We Got You Covered
NPA's Health & Wellness Linkage Program focuses on increasing retention to care for LGBTQ+ people of color who are 18-30 years old and live in New York State. We aim to provide individuals with linkage to care from culturally competent providers and to reduce barriers to care for marginalized and underserved populations, including queer and trans people of color, individuals in the sex trade, and other high-risk communities including MSM.
Impact Report: Our Public Health Ambassador/Shifting the Burden program
Our Programs ●
Our Programs ●
NPA’s Civic Engagement and Political Education Project (CEPEP) works to provide voter education and awareness to Queer and Trans Youth of color. Through our CEPEP programs we aim to increase civic participation among LGBTQ+ and TGNC New Yorkers.
Public Health Ambassadors Program
The Public Health Ambassadors Program is an eight-week prevention and education program geared towards self-identified sex workers and members of the LGBTQ+ community at high risk of contracting HIV. Through the program curriculum participants learn about HIV prevention methods such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP); safe ways to advocate for clientele usage of PrEP/PEP; how to access culturally competent care; and work to develop guides as community resources about PrEP/PEP. We prioritize a diverse cohort of individuals who are in the sex trades, including those who are formerly incarcerated.
Let’s Talk About It
Let’s Talk About It is a seven-week workshop series that focuses on promoting Healthier Lifestyles for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Non-Conforming New Yorkers. Through educational and interactive workshops facilitated by NPA staff and co-facilitators, program participants will be educated on topics including Healthy Eating Habits, Harm Reduction and Recovery, Promoting Physical Fitness, Sexual Health & Body Positivity, and Protecting their Mental Health. Workshops cover the social determinants of health, creating welcoming spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals, exploring why LGBTQ+ youth are at an increased risk of using drugs, and how to counteract risk factors utilizing client-centered and harm reduction approaches.
The program includes a welcoming orientation/goal-setting session and a closing ceremony in the form of a showcase by the graduating participants.
We Got You Covered
NPA's Health & Wellness Linkage Program focuses on increasing retention to care for LGBTQ+ people of color who are 18-30 years old and live in New York State. We aim to provide individuals with linkage to care from culturally competent providers and to reduce barriers to care for marginalized and underserved populations, including queer and trans people of color, individuals in the sex trade, and other high-risk communities including MSM.
My Money Mondays
My Money Mondays is a five-week program that provides LGBTQ+ community members with best practices and tips for financial success. The training helps ensure that participants receive personal financial building blocks and money management skills to meet their individual needs. Our curriculum provides the basic foundations of financial success: budgeting, investing, saving, credit utilization, and financial planning.
Crystal Queer Social Group
Crystal Queer is a bi-monthly social and community-safe space for queer, trans, and gender nonconforming individuals to share lived experiences, learn new life skills, access resources, and create a community of support. All within the LGBTQ+ community are welcome. We meet on the first and third Thursdays of every month at the NPA Empowerment Center. Third Thursdays are open to friends, family, and allies.
Drop in hours: Tue, Wed & Thur, 3pm-6pm EST
Linkage to Care, Food Pantry, Clothing Closet, Computer Access, Testing Strips and Safe Sex Kits