Community Agreements
These Community Agreements outline our expectations for everyone who comes to the NEW Pride Agenda (NPA) Empowerment Center, whether as a visitor, client, or employee. These agreements not only apply in our physical space, but also in any virtual meetings or off-site events we host.
When entering the NEW Pride Agenda Empowerment Center you agree to:
For the safety of all our visitors, the following behaviors that are prohibited in this space:
Use of discriminatory language, including but not limited to language that is racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, ageist, or ableist
Physical violence, the threat of physical violence, or any behavior that endangers the safety of any individual or group
Sexual harassment or inappropriate touching
Sexual or financial solicitation
Possession or use of weapons
Sale, use or possession of illegal substances
Sexual activity and public nudity
Theft and vandalism
To allow all the diverse uses of our space, we have identified additional behaviors that are not allowed within our space. Please note that NPA staff are happy to connect visitors with outside resources for anything that we are unable to provide or permit here.
Leaving personal property unattended
Consumption of alcohol, unless served at an authorized event and consumed in the designated event space
Public intoxication
Bathing or other use of restrooms that interferes with others’ ability to use restrooms
Use of audio without headphones and/or listening to loud music
Smoking of any kind, including vapes and e-cigs, in the building or directly in front of the building
Interfering with others’ ability to move through the Empowerment Center, like blocking doorways, walkways, or exits
Handing out non-NPA literature inside the building without permission
Photographing and/or recording others without permission, or any other behavior that violates the confidentiality of other visitors
Not following the direction of NPA staff
Being inconsiderate of cleanliness and sanitation
If you witness something…
If you have concerns about anything you see, please do not intervene! Instead, tell a member of the team immediately and allow us to address the situation. NPA staff are responsible for the safe and proper operation of the building and their directions and instructions are to be followed at all times.
What happens if you break these Community Agreements?
We may ask you to leave if you are unable or unwilling to follow these guidelines. We also may take any action we deem appropriate for the safe and proper operation of the Empowerment Center. This may include suspension from our buildings or services. In an emergency or as a last resort, we may contact 911.
If you feel you have been treated unfairly by our staff or wish to provide other feedback about your experience here, you may contact management by emailing
Whenever possible, NPA will support opportunities for individuals suspended from the Empowerment Center to re-engage with us. This will occur on a case-by-case basis and may include a two-way discussion, recognition of the harm caused to people, making amends, and forgiveness.
Our Pledge of Non-Discrimination
I represent and affirm that our group is non-discriminatory and does and will treat all individuals and groups equally without regard to actual or perceived race; creed; color; national origin; religious background or affiliation; gender; gender expression or gender identity; sex; sexual orientation; pregnancy; age; height or weight; alienage or citizenship status; past, present or future disability or condition, including physical (e.g. HIV/AIDS), intellectual (e.g. learning disability), or psychiatric; veteran or military status, marital or partnership status, or any other protected status in accordance with federal, state or local laws.
Let’s be Good Neighbors
It is very important that we maintain a positive relationship with our neighbors while continuing to provide a welcoming atmosphere for the people who come to The Empowerment Center. All guests of NPA’s Empowerment Center are instructed not to enter any other floor besides the 4th floor, where we are located.
I understand the NPA Empowerment Center reserves the right to revoke any use of its facilities by a user group in the event that such a group fails to affirm or abide by these principles. We recognize that respecting individual dignity, achieving equality, and promoting intergroup harmony are the responsibilities of all people, including our group. We reject hatred and will not engage in acts or expressions of hatred directed to any person(s) or group(s). Our group will work in good faith to affirm and abide by these principles in all our activities and affairs.