Kei Williams named as Interim Executive Director
This November, the NEW Pride Agenda (NPA) will celebrate its 5th year anniversary, and will also undergo a change in leadership as Executive Director Elisa Crespo departs to lead the Stonewall Community Foundation as their new Executive Director. Kei Williams, NEW Pride Agenda’s Director of Programs and Strategic Initiatives, will be appointed as Interim Executive Director and lead NPA through this transition process. NPA will celebrate its 5th anniversary by hosting its inaugural Empowerment Awards ceremony on November 13th, where outgoing Executive Director Elisa Crespo will be celebrated by NPA’s board, supporters, and fellow LGBTQ+ community members.
As NPA’s first full-time executive director, Elisa Crespo built the organization up to a thriving statewide advocacy powerhouse that has made a significant impact on the lives of LGBTQ+ New Yorkers. During this time, NPA passed an impressive slate of laws and secured millions of dollars in funding for trans-led and serving organizations. Under Elisa’s leadership, NPA in partnership with various LGBTQ+ community members across New York State launched the first ever Transgender and Non Binary Wellness & Equity Fund, which has expanded in its third year to $5.25 million annually. Elisa stewarded NPA to build advocacy and organizing efforts across New York State, bringing hundreds of advocates to Albany each year. As Executive Director, Elisa successfully opened NPA’s new headquarters, the Empowerment Center, which also serves as a community drop-in center and space for in-person programming. Elisa helped to expand the organization both financially and infrastructurally, increasing staff size and diversifying NPA’s budget. A lifelong New Yorker, Elisa made history in 2020 as the first trans woman of color to run for public office in the Bronx after serving in various government roles. Elisa’s lived experience as a trans Latina with working class roots in New York City’s ballroom scene and activist communities have provided NPA with invaluable perspective. Elisa’s incredible leadership will now benefit her work at Stonewall Community Foundation for years to come. We celebrate her success as a preeminent LGBTQ+ community leader.
On November 18th, Kei Williams will begin serving as NPA’s Interim Executive Director to continue NPA’s leadership in LGBTQ+ advocacy across New York State. NPA welcomes Kei into this interim role with full support and excitement. Kei Williams began working at NEW Pride Agenda in 2022 and has worked diligently to expand NPA, including by ideating and executing one of NPA’s core health and wellness programs, The Public Health Ambassador Program. Born and raised in upstate New York, Kei is a self-taught visual artist and community organizer. A founding member of the Black Lives Matter Global Network, Kei has helped build some of the
most powerful movements of our time. As a seasoned and steadfast advocate, Kei will steer NPA through the organization’s leadership transition.
During this time of transformation, the NPA board of directors congratulates Elisa Crespo on her historic leadership at NPA since 2021 and on her new role leading the Stonewall Community Foundation, which has invested in the LGBTQ+ community since 1990.
“As I reflect on these past three and a half years, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable experiences and friendships I've gained while serving as the first executive director of the NEW Pride Agenda (NPA),” said Elisa Crespo. “NPA was founded on a single premise: the work is not over. Far too much inequality still exists within our community and far too many voices go unheard. It is my hope that my leadership at NPA has brought those voices and experiences to the forefront. It has truly been an honor to lead a statewide LGBTQ+ advocacy organization, where together, we have made great strides including the creation of new and historic state funding for trans-led and serving organizations, expanding existing funding for LGBTQ+ health & human services providers, and protecting gender-affirming care in New York. What I have learned is that our collective well-being is undeniably connected. I am incredibly grateful for the love and support from the board of directors and staff at NPA, and to all of the people who have invested in our mission to build statewide power. I will always cherish my time with each of you. Thank you all for the encouragement, inspiration, and memories. I couldn't be prouder of Kei Williams, and their demonstrated commitment to our community. I know that NPA will continue to flourish under their leadership. I am thrilled and excited to enter a new chapter, as executive director of the Stonewall Community Foundation, and continue the work of strengthening the LGBTQ+ community and movement by making strategic, values-driven investments in dynamic organizations, projects, and leaders.”
“I wish to express my deepest gratitude for the trust and support of the NPA Board and Staff for the opportunity to step in as Interim Executive Director,” said Kei Williams. “Under Elisa Crespo's leadership, NPA has achieved transformative milestones and wins for the LGBTQ+ community across this state. Elisa's friendship and her powerful guidance has been an inspiration to me. I know that wherever she goes, she will land on her feet and bring about dynamic change. It is an honor to accept this role as a Black queer New Yorker. I look forward to continuing to build off of our successes and lead our team with a steadfast commitment to liberation, freedom, and care.”
"We and the entire board of directors of the NEW Pride Agenda extend warm congratulations to Elisa Crespo on her new role with the Stonewall Community Foundation. As our first executive director, Elisa set the organization's tone and put the NEW Pride Agenda on the path to being
the leading LGBTQ+ advocacy organization in New York State,” said Kyle Ishmael & Victor Sanchez, co-board directors on the NEW Pride Agenda. “We could not be prouder of her success and the foundation she has set for our continued future. As we transition ahead, the board has engaged Koya Partners of the Diversified Search Group to lead our efforts in identifying a new Executive Director. We are all excited for this next chapter in the NEW Pride Agenda journey!"
About the NEW Pride Agenda
The mission of the NEW Pride Agenda (NPA) is to advance the economic, health, racial, and gender identity justice needs of marginalized LGBTQIA+ individuals in New York State. NPA believes that LGBTQIA rights are civil rights and impact the most critical aspects of everyday life from housing to employment. Working with a diverse network of communities and elected officials, NPA serves to educate members of the LGBTQIA community and allies, as well as the general public, about our legal protections and rights.
The organization’s accomplishments include advocacy that resulted in the NYS Executive Branch mandating over 340,000 state employees to receive Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) cultural competency training—a first in the nation; ensuring the repeal of the “Walking
While Trans” ban was included in 2021 Executive Budget; state funding for LGBTQ health and human services; securing insurance coverage for PrEP access, and more.